Rabu, 03 Mei 2017


hey, it's me destin. welcome back to smarter every day (sed). so excited about this video in the last episode of sed i showed you my transparent potato gun, at 3,000 fps during the day.

priprism, 3, 2, 1 but this episode it's going to be the same transparent potato gun, meaning we can look directly into the science at night, at 20,000 fps.

google up! science is about to happen. what happens, if i start the ignition of the potato gun from the back? vs. what happens, if i start it from the middle? i always thought it would have worked better if you go from the middle, 'cause you get even expansion of those gases. but, let's record it in high-speed, and let's see what the difference is, between the two. we'll go from the back first!

we got some potato juices in there. (laughter) it's like 9 o'clock. alright, let's see it in high-speed. it's completely awesome. we saw that it started at one end and went all the way to the end. now, i'm gonna take this, it's a grill-ignitor, you can see the little zaps there. i've got electrodes, set up in the center of the potato gun

and we're going to zap it from the center and we should get a more even combustion, right? so, let me hook it up and then we'll give it a shot. literally. loading the potato gun again. it doesn't get old! was that cool, or what? ok, so check it out, so this is my combustion chamber, right? the first time i shot this thing, it was a flint-sparker on the end of this thing, right?

if i hold it, you can see a twist and i get the spark. what you saw on the second time - here are my electrodes that i told you about going to hit this button you can seedown in there. can you see what i'm sparking right there in the middle? that's how i fired that thing. when wefirst start the combustion from the end it's a wave you've got an oxygen/fuel mixture thatgoes all the way down to the combustion chamber; when we start right in themiddle,

we start to expand, we start using thatfuel and using that oxygen, but we run out of oxygen before we burn all thefuel. we're going to shoot this thing from the end, we're going to zoom in witha high-speed directly on the combustion chamber and we're gonna see if we cansee that flame front moving one mississippi two mississippi threemississippi four mississippi three two one ok, before i show you the next slow mo, iwant you to understand that it has enough information in it to provide forseveral phd's ,so i want you to be on the lookout for a couple of key things thati find interesting.

#1 when the explosion movestowards the closed off into the combustion chamber, unless the fuel/airmixture is just perfect, sometimes you'll run out of oxygen andhave unburned fuel this creates a compressed pocket of fuel,that stays unburned until it turns into a rarefaction and pulls more oxygen backin through the barrel, to burn it up #2 there's something thathappens in combustion chambers called "sidewall cooling" basically the pipeitself cools the gases down below the combustion point, so it can't burn right nextto the wall this leaves more unburned fuel andactually counts for most of the

pollution products caused by the enginein your car the slow-motion you're about to see isreal. i haven't ran the speed, to make it look more interesting, it's just pure awesome footage. straightout of a high-speed cameras. watch what happens, as the explosion overexpands, the system has to equalize so it pulls air back in through the barrel,into the combustion chamber, which causes that fresh oxygen in the air to meet upwith the remaining fuel and start the burning process all over again. it's a pretty inefficient way to burn afuel rich mixture;

so i think my original hypothesis mightbe wrong. i think it's cool that when the gassqueezes down into the barrel from the combustion chamber, it has to speed up sothat it can maintain the exact same flow rate one of the things i love about science,is the ability to look at a complex dynamic system like this and try tounderstand every physical phenomenon that's occurring, but equally important tome personally is the ability to look at footage like this and say "you know,that's pretty." to summarize, what we've learned tonight,think about this: when you have a

combustion chamber we've learned that it depends not onlyon the localized chemistry or the stoichiometry, the fuel/air mixture atany point inside that combustion chamber; it also depends on how its vented it'sreally fascinating the dynamics of venting a combustion chamber effectdirectly the ability to create localized pressures and rarefactions sometimes atthe end of the video when the add part comes up you kind of roll your eyes ,becauseyou're not excited about it. well, this time is different, you see,sed is supported by audible.com and they have supported me for areally long time and it's a really big deal

because it's kind of expensive to afford videos like this. so, what i'm going to do is i'm going tocreate an audible event so that you can remember to support sed ataudible.com/smarter. we're going to create the same flamefront that we did before, only we're not going to contain both sides of it we'regoing to vent one side i want you to listen to this hugeaudible vent and then we'll look at high speed ready? 3, 2, 1... it's on fire! if you want to support sed,feel free to go to audible.com/smarter. that's a very audible event, i hope youagree, anyway they have tons of free

audio books.if you get a free trial ataudible.com/smarter i'm super stoked that they have chosento support smarter every day for so long they've been a very valuable partner andi am very appreciative so if you want to support sed directly go toaudible.com/smarter get a free trial of audiobooks you're going to getsmarter and you're going to like it. so there you go, i hope you feel likethis video on your subscription if not that's it. i'm destin you're getting smarter everyday have a good one (inaudible) i ... going atwatermelons. yeah and i'm record in slow

motion you are?


yeah. is that cool? - that's what they all say... you don't do it at night too? is that all right? - it's your property, dowhat you want to do on it. you do anything you want to do over here! you ain't going to botherme i think it's time to go to bed

Selasa, 02 Mei 2017

penile injection therapy

this is doctor carlos feliciano with numalemedical centre. coming to you today, to talk about some exciting news in the journal ‘stroke’;how they have released a preliminary study showing the power of stem-cell therapy andits ability to heal. in the study, they took patients who have stroke and at first outcomefrom it; some were paralyzed, some could not use their limps, like their arms and appliedthe stem- cell therapy over time. what they

penile injection therapy, found is pretty impressive; they showed thatusing the stem-cell therapy, they were able to reverse what they thought they couldn’t.they had a lot of patients who for example, were wheelchair bound are now able to walk;people who could not use their hands are now able to write. i bring this up because thisis very exciting stem-cell therapy has come

a long way. we use it here every day at numale medicalcenter in our procedure called eros. which is right here, eros is a way for men and womento help heal their own bodies. at numale we use it in the penile area and we use plateletrich plasm to help heal the tissues, arteries

penile injection therapy

and nerves. so, guys if you think it’s toolate for you or things are not looking good. definitely come on in talk to us, give usa call and we will be more than happy to talk to you, about this amazing therapy and howit can work for you. again this is dr. carlos feliciano from numale medical center, havea good day.

Senin, 01 Mei 2017

erectile dysfunction injections

oh i’m sure. no no, it’s comfortable.you know there’s not other offices right here where everybody’s looking at you whenyou’re walking in like you’re going down a hall looking for something and there’severybody, you know it’s comfortable. and kinda when you first come in, what’sthe initial impression before even talking to the first staff? like when you first walkin the door and you’re looking around.

erectile dysfunction injections, it’s very professional.ok. very professional. you know, there’s nothingi can think of that i don’t like about it and uh, it..what do you kinda see when you first come in?i see a professional office, you know. i mean,

you’ve got entertainment for waiting, coffeeand you’ve got people that are ready to talk to you if you wanna talk to them. i didn’tcome in here embarrassed or unresponsive and my guess would be that if i did, your officewould know how to handle that. your office would probably do a good job of.. if somebodydoesn’t want to talk or if they’re embarrassed they would probably take it easy on them andtry and get them to talk a little bit but getting to see you is not a problem. so theprofessionalism is very good. any other thoughts?well i used to question, “why do you do this?” you’re obviously a very good doctor.you know, you could probably do something that makes a lot more money.. oh, i don’tknow how money works in medical practice and

you said something that i thought.. well here’sthe reason. and you said, “because i like working on something that makes people happy.if i’m doing cancer something, the chances of them being happy aren’t very good wheni give them what i can give them.” but you give people what you give them and they leavehappy and it makes you happy. knowing that you’re going home and thatyou’re getting it on and being intimate with your wife who you’ve been with foryears, decades, that’s fun. that’s a gift. i mean, that’s something you can do.. youknow, i think medicine has gotten the way of thinking that quantity of life is moreimportant than quality of life. mhm, yeah if i had to die earlier and havingthis going on rather than not have it anymore

and die later.. i’d rather die earlier.(laughter) (laughter) i’m with you!i mean, that’s a little rough saying it that way but it sure adds to your qualityof life. and you know, when i first met you.. there was a couple of introductory classes..it was at a hospital. and when i walked in and saw men much older than me, one in a wheelchair, i was amazed. i thought, “well those guys.. they’ve lost their sex long ago.”but they were as anxious to talk to you as i was. i was amazed at that, at the differentages and there were people younger than me that have different problems that you obviouslyhave taken care of or are taking care of. so that was a lot of putting me at ease tocome here, then i spoke to you in the hall

that day. i walked down and i said, “doyou know where this class is?” and you went, “come on! you’re with me!” (laughter)i ran into you in the hallway, that’s right. (laughter)(laughter) that’s right! and you just know how to put people at ease pretty quickly andthat, that’s important. and i think for us.. i’m trying to changethe way we do healthcare for men. so guys will come in to see a physician or providerfor things that really matter to them. sex, peeing better, sleeping longer, make surethey don’t have prostate cancer, right? making sure their testosterone levels arebalanced, maybe a no needle vasectomy. but how can we help guys evolve fearlessly intothe best version of themselves? because if

i can impact that and change their healthcaretrajectory by even five percent now then over decades you’re really gonna have an impacton their overall health. and i think sexual health is just as important to every partof health for a guy. we identify as guys, i mean.. it’s a big part of who we are.i mean, if we can affect health in a positive way for guys, in small ways, but then it hasa positive effect, a ripple effect to other parts of their lives.. your personal life,your professional life, relationships in the community, at work, even globally dependingon who you are and what you do.. but if we can initiate that kind of ripple effect, takinga pebble and dropping it into a still pond and watching it.. now i can never measurethat but that’s the concept.

no, it’s a good concept because you oftensee people get a devastating disease and they set their mind to beating it by whatever theyhave to do but they change their attitude about it and they win, not always but, makingyourself that much happier has to add to your quality of life and your length of life..all of that. you just mentioned a few things that i didn’t even realize you do. so there’sa wide range of reasons why people, a wider range than i thought of why people will endup here or not. another good thing was my physician, my endocrinologist, he’s theone that i was telling about it. he was giving me the drugs, whatever it was, and it wasn’tworking and he was really interested in knowing that i could beat this and get my life backto being more comfortable. so he constantly

gives me a hard time now. i saw him the otherday, he’s like, “are you getting it on?? how’re you liking it??” (laughter) andi tell him, “it’s great!” he goes, “yes!

erectile dysfunction injections
That's good, is not it! Â € So there is a lot of support. And you have to .. I do not know if people can walk here without a difference unless they pay insurance but you have to have a good relationship with your doctor. Hopefully everyone has a primary care physician they can talk to about it. Or anyone knows herbs to cope with premature ejaculation by using hajar jahanam cair.

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